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The Phoenix Club was founded in Memphis in 1955 and was launched as a separate, albeit affiliated, all male organization in Nashville in 2001. Since its inception in Nashville, the Phoenix Club has continually attracted the next generation of leaders from all walks of business. As a result, the Phoenix Club has raised and donated millions of dollars to Middle Tennessee nonprofits.

Our Mission and Results
The Phoenix Club of Nashville is a 100% volunteer-led 501(c)(3) organization of young men with a dual mission to benefit under-served youth in Middle Tennessee and to develop our members into leaders in their community and in business. Members of the Phoenix Club are actively looking for ways to make a positive and permanent impact on the lives of under-served youth and their community.
Our mission is more than fundraising: through our Venture Philanthropy process, The Phoenix Club partners with excellent nonprofit organizations to create strong relationships, strategically invest in key initiatives and steward the investments made by the Phoenix Club and its donors. The Venture Philanthropy model is a merit-based process that allocates funds to the most deserving projects.
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