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Middle Tennessee is ready to take the next step in smarter, more effective philanthropy - and we believe the Phoenix Club of Nashville is leading the charge. Through our membership model, 100% of funds donated goes directly to our investments in non-profit grantees. We look forward to continuing our efforts this year and beyond, and we sincerely appreciate your support. Consider donating to PCON or contact us to become a partner. Explore our current partners below.

Partner with us
The Phoenix Club of Nashville partners with dozens of organizations to help fund grants and support our community. If you are interested in specifically partnering on one of our grants as a co-investor, or providing an unrestricted donation to PCON, we have several convenient ways to do so. Please fill out the contact form below to inquire further, or click here to donate today.
Securities (e.g. stock donation)
Donation via check
Written into wills
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